Photo: Czech Foreign Ministry
The Czech foreign minister, Jan Lipavský, has just kicked off a working trip to Angola and Zambia. Czech foreign policy is increasingly focused on Africa and Mr. Lipavský says Europe needs to “bring a better offer” if it is to weaken Russian and Chinese influence on the continent.
The Czech minister of foreign affairs, Jan Lipavský, set off from Prague’s Kbely airfield on Monday morning for a five-day visit to Angola and Zambia.
Just before his departure Mr. Lipavský explained why the visit – on which he is accompanied by a Czech business delegation – was taking in those states in particular.
“Those two countries are geographically located together, so it makes sense to make those trips together. In both of them we have a lot of interesting business projects, development projects and human rights projects. And to add to that, in Angola there is a large community of fluent Czech speaking Angolans who studied in Czechoslovakia, so we have a very close connection to both countries. This is the reason for Angola and Zambia.”
See the rest here.