Photo: Amelia Mola-Schmidt, Radio Prague International
Farah Abou Kharroub has one of those personalities that draws you in from the moment you meet her. That warmth and hospitality is something that she is trying to translate into her new venture, Aleb – a wine bar purveying exclusively natural wines from around Czechia and serving up food from the Levant region where she hails from. A filmmaker by training, a wine bar was never in the cards for Farah, but when I visited Aleb, she told me more about her time in Prague and how it’s led her here.
“I moved to Prague seven years ago to study film direction at FAMU. I’m in love with the city and the culture, and I call this place my home. I’m graduating this year, and it’s important for me to have more things to do in Prague after I finish at FAMU. I wanted to start a cultural space where we introduce my culture’s food and create a hub where my friends and I can learn together and be together, so that’s how this place was born.”
See the rest here.
Author: Amelia Mola-Schmidt