Ann Altman brought a painting of her grandmother Anna to Brno, Photo: Tomáš Kremr, Czech Radio
A portrait of a Jewish woman called Anna Wotzilkova, who was born in South Moravia and died in the Holocaust, has been donated to the newly planned Mehrin Moravian Jewish Museum by her descendants, who now live in the United States. The painting was brought to Brno this week by her granddaughter Ann Altman:
“This picture is very important to me. It’s a portrait of my grandmother Anna Wotzilkova, who came from Znojmo. She married my grandfather Emil Löwy. The Wotzilkas owned the brewery and my grandfather owned the mill.
“They were very important citizens of Znojmo and almost all the family members were murdered by the Nazis. My parents were able to escape and the portrait was rescued by my mother’s governess, whose name was Jana Fukačová. In the 1960s, Jiří Fukač, a professor of music in Czechoslovakia, brought this portrait to my mother.”
Ann Altman, the grand-daughter of the woman portrayed says the painting hung in the dining room of the house in England where she grew up.
See the rest here.
Author: Tomáš Kremr; Ruth Fraňková