Photo Source: KPR
In Prague on August 29, 2023,at the invitation of the President of the Republic, Petr Pavel, the President of the Republic of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski and his wife Elizabeta Gjorgievska, came to the Czech Republic for an official visit.
According to the Office of the President of the Republic, the reason for inviting the President of North Macedonia was mainly to support the country’s pro-European orientation. The Czech Republic has long supported the integration of countries of the Western Balkans into European and transatlantic structures. It wants to prevent the destabilization of the region, either as a result of ethnic tensions or the growing influence of China and Russia. The Czech Republic also appreciates North Macedonia’s approach to the Ukrainian crisis, its supply of arms and military material to the attacked country.
In recent years, the two countries have cooperated mainly in solving security and migration issues, with North Macedonia being one of the main transit countries during the migration crisis.
When the fight against illegal migration represents a buffer zone in front of the external border of the European Union, thus helping to strengthen the security of member countries with its activities. In this context, Czech police officers are deployed in the country, serving as part of the Frontex agency.
The goal of the visit of the president of North Macedonia is also a trade promotion.
The presidential couple began their visit at Prague Castle in front of the Honorary Unit of the Castle Guard. This was followed by the introduction and meeting of the members of the national delegations, an entry in the memorial book Prague Castle, exchange of gifts, and private meeting of the presidential couples.
Eva Pavlová and Elizabeta Gjorgievská visited the Cathedral of sv. Víta Václava a Vojtěcha, the Old Royal Palace and the South Gardens of Prague Castle.
At the press conference, President Petr Pavel emphasized:
“The Balkans was and is a territory that is a crossroads of various influences. And it is important for us that this region remains safe. The Czech Republic supported Macedonia’s entry into NATO and today supports its efforts to join the European Union. North Macedonia is in the Balkans migration path, we have a common interest in solving illegal migration, which is why more than 1,800 Czech policemen and policewomen took turns on its territory to help protect the border against illegal migration.”
Photos from the visit of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia will be available on www.hrad.cz.