The cub is eager to be born and regularly drinks breast milk from its mother, Khamiina. Photo by Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo
The first foal was born in the paddock of Převalský’s horses at the Maiden’s Castle in Prague. It is also the first addition of this species to the Prague Zoo this year. The mother is the five-year-old mare Khamiina, the father is the seven-year-old stallion Granola. Both became parents for the first time ever. People can observe the cub, which according to initial estimates is a female, together with the herd in the twenty-hectare enclosure there.

The foal born on the night from Friday to Saturday is the first foal of Převalský’s horses at Dívče hrady. According to the first estimates, it is a female, but for now the herd is being allowed to rest before a possible veterinary examination. Photo by Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo
“Khamiina gave birth without any complications during the night. After all, night births are typical for horses,” says ungulate curator Barbora Dobiášová. “The cub is healthy and, according to our observations, it is almost certainly a female. However, we are allowing the herd peace for the time being, and the gender of the foal will be confirmed with certainty only after a possible veterinary examination,” he explains.

People can observe the two-day-old foal on the vast pasture at Dívče hrad already. Photo by Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo
Převalský’s horses inhabited Dívčí hrady above Prague’s Smíchov in April 2021. The purpose of the project is not only to revive the historical location, but also to contribute to the prosperity of the original communities of plants and animals here with the help of grazing grass. Today, people can observe a herd of seven, including a two-day-old foal, from the lookout. The remaining horses live at the breeding station in Dolní Dobřejov. In the meantime, a new enclosure and quarters are being built in the Troj area for the iconic animals of the Prague Zoo. At the top station of the cable car, visitors will see other Mongolian fauna in the modern exhibition in addition to the “rollers” already in the spring of 2024.