Photo: Barbora Navrátilová, Radio Prague International
The Book of Prague is a collection of short stories by Czech authors that had never before been translated into English. As the title suggests, Prague, with all its different layers and histories, plays a prominent role in the stories. The book is part of a series called A City in Fiction published by UK publisher The Comma Press. Ahead of its launch in Great Britain, I discussed the anthology with one of its editors, Jan Zikmund, from the Czech Literary Centre, and first asked him how the idea for the book originated:
“Actually, the idea came both from the publisher and from the Czech Literary Centre. We first approached Comma Press about a possibility of publishing The Book of Prague back in 2019. After the pandemic, we came back to this idea and we said that 2023 would be the right year for publishing the book.
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková