The 13th Annual Argentine Film Festival

The Ambassador of the Argentine Republic H.E. Mr. Claudio Javier Rozencwaig is very honored to be able to host, together with the Lucerna Palace, the 13th edition of the Argentine Film Week, a cultural event that has already become an obvious symbol of the affinity between Argentine and Czech culture.

A cultural tradition that brings us closer together and reminds us that we are not alone on this journey, no matter where we come from. No kilometers, countries, and oceans are enough to separate us.

The festival will take place from 10.10.- 15.10.2024 at the Beautiful Lucerna Cinema – Vodičkova 36, Praha 1.

The opening evening was attended by many Ambassadors and diplomats and the public who love the Argentine movies.

The Ambassador of the Argentine Republic H.E. Mr. Claudio Javier Rozencwaig and the Edvard Kožušník Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.

The opening movie was The Extortion  ( 2023 ) – Alejandro is an experienced airline pilot. He loves his profession, but he hides a secret: a medical condition that, if discovered, would lead to his immediate retirement. The Intelligence Service finds out and they start blackmailing him by demanding that, without asking questions, he transport some mysterious suitcases on the Buenos Aires-Madrid route. Intrigued by the enigmatic cargo he is carrying, Alejandro is soon plunged into a universe of intrigue and corruption that will put him and those he loves in danger. His very life is threatened, and he has to fight to survive.