Photo: Prague Civil Society Center
The Prague Civil Society Center, located in the heart of the city, works with various stakeholders across 18 different countries, helping civic groups and independent journalists grow their audiences and expand their reach, even those in nations under authoritarian rule. I spoke with Director of Partnerships and Communications, George Leech about the work they are doing.
“It became clear that working in the former Soviet Union to support activists, journalists, human rights defenders and change makers was going to become more difficult. So the American, Czech, and Swedish government, and two private organisations got together and thought ‘how can we support these change makers who are doing great things in former Soviet Union countries from abroad?’
So they put a tender together for an organisation that would be able to work outside the region but still work within the region.
“People in Need, a big Czech NGO won the tender to set up the centre, and they incubated us. So we’re born out of People in Need, and we have been fully independent as the Prague Civil Society Center since 2017.”
See the rest here.
Author: Amelia Mola-Schmidt