Photo: Romy Ebert, Czech Radio
At the end of her five-day fact-finding mission to Czechia, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic criticized the country’s slow progress in addressing discrimination against Romanies. She said that, despite the government’s good intentions, the Roma in this country still face discrimination in almost all areas of life – education, housing, on the labour market and in dealing with the police.
I spoke to Magdalena Karvayova from the Awen Amenca association, which focusses on securing equal access of Romani children to quality education, and asked for her take on the commissioner’s findings.
“Unfortunately I have to agree with her because, as she stated, discrimination still occurs in all the fields mentioned, such as housing, education and there are even cases of police harassment – it is still a big issue which is not being solved.”
See the rest here.
Author: Daniela Lazarová