Photo: Lasovsky Johansson Architects
Czech architect Juraj Lasovský has come up with a unique project reviving old military bunkers built in Czechoslovakia before the Second World War. His aim is to turn the concrete structures into liveable spaces that can be used for various purposes.
Soon after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, the Czechoslovak government started to build massive fortifications along the country’s border to sustain the first onslaught, something like a Czech equivalent to the French Maginot Line.
By September 1938, it had built around 260 heavy fortifications along with some 10,000 light pillboxes meant to deter and repel sudden attacks in key areas.
With the signing of the Munich Agreement, the system was never put to use. However, the dense network of concrete fortifications stayed entrenched in the Czech countryside to this day.
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková