Photo: Filip Jandourek, Czech Radio
This week the Prague authorities approved studies to revitalise the through-road cutting across the centre of the city. The plans – which still need permits – would make the unpopular “magistrála” more attractive for pedestrians and cyclists. But could the communist-era road ever be removed? I discussed the matter with leading Prague architect Jakub Cigler.
“I am excited that the magistrála will around the Main Railway Station have two times two lanes only.
“Because the magistrála is a kind of magnet that concentrates more and more cars; if there were more lanes, there would be more cars.
“And this way is not sustainable. It is not the way forward.
“It’s not the right thing to drive through Prague, it’s better to around.
“We don’t have a périphérique, like Paris has, for example.
“But transportation design should change in the centre in such a way that there is a diminished amount of cars on the streets.
See the rest here.
Author: Ian Willoughby