Photo: Dark Bark Drama
Prague’s D21 theatre will be hosting a special event on Wednesday night: three original radio plays, performed live on stage with actors accompanied by music and sound effects. One of the people behind the project, produced by Dark Bark Drama and Radio Tuna, is Prague-based British writer and director Steen Agro.
“I am a Brit living in Prague who has had a long fascination with radio ads and radio stories since the BBC production of the Hitchhiker’s Guide, which I listened to as a kid. I eventually ended up becoming a feature director and screenwriter, and right before the pandemic, I had the idea to create a live radio event, but Covid got in the way.
“A few years after that, I met up with Spencer Derr, a Californian living here in Prague, who along with Kierstan Devoe and Olga Mikulska, had set up something called Dark Bark Drama, a non-profit company that works with a creative writing group of playwrights in Prague.
“They were actually doing a script in hand performances, with a couple of actors sitting on stage with the script in hand and reading it, performing the work that way. I went to see a couple of their shows and I thought it was pretty similar to what I had in mind having actors in front of mics. So I approached Spencer and he said: let’s try that, so that’s what we did.”
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková