Photo: Pražské jaro
For the third consecutive year, Prague’s DOX Centre for Contemporary Art is hosting Prague Offspring, a Prague Spring festival concert format dedicated to contemporary music. The legendary Klangforum Wien will again appear in the role of ensemble-in-residence and will also feature in a special concert featuring 50 pianos. I asked Josef Třeštík, Prague Spring’s programme director, to tell me more:
“Prague Offspring takes place for the third time this year and for the third and last time the ensemble-in-residence is Klangforum Wien, an excellent specialised contemporary music ensemble from Vienna. The composer-in-residence this year is Rebecca Saunders, a British-born Berlin-based composer.
“We will feature two of her major works, Nether and Scar. Nether is for a soprano and ensemble at it is based on Molly Bloom’s monologue from the Ulysses by James Joyce. It’s a rather complex work based on sonic qualities of language, which are interacting with the sounds coming from the ensemble.
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková