Prague based actress Róza Andělová: Getting into English-speaking theatre is pretty easy here

Photo: Michael Džindžichašvili, Czech Radio

Róza Andělová is a budding young Czech actress who studied French and English literature at Charles University. Magdalena Kadula invited her to Radio Prague’s studio to talk about her work, the opportunities for English-speaking actors and actresses in Prague and how she happened to get into acting in the first place.

“That’s a very short story I’m afraid. I think it was, kind of, by accident. I’ve always loved all things, film and theatre. I started from theory, basically. I took a few courses at Charles University while I was doing my BA. From then it kind of spiralled into this wonderful thing.

“I actually saw an ad on Facebook. Now people joke about it because that’s how I get most of the casting calls – it’s through Facebook out of all things. It was this open call for a FAMU-New York University collaboration, and I ended up getting the part. It was, as I say, kind of by accident, but it was a wonderful experience.

See the rest here.

Author: Magdalena Kadula