Photo: Prague City Tourism
While the streets of Prague 1 may be breath-taking by day, they turn ugly by night for the city’s residents who are severely plagued by noisy drunk tourists wanting to make the most of their time in Prague. The locals, many of whom have lived in the city centre for generations, accuse the authorities of turning a blind eye to the problem. But the solution is not so simple. Many businesses in the city centre rely on these tourists for their survival, as Karolína Šnejdarová, spokesperson for Prague 1 explained to me.
“This situation is not new and we are very aware of this problem. This is often a problem that many capital cities face – for instance Prague, Paris and Rome. It’s a difficult situation because on one hand we want to accommodate our citizens, but on the other hand we are the city centre of Prague and it cannot be closed at 10pm. So we have to deal with this.”
See the rest here.
Author: Amelia Mola-Schmidt