This year, the Prague Zoo will transport Převalsky’s first horses to Kazakhstan as part of the Return of Wild Horses 2024 project.

A total of three stallions and five mares will be flown on June 3 by CASA military aircraft from Prague and Berlin at the same time.

The public now has the opportunity to participate in the reintroduction project and receive a unique postcard directly from Altyn Dala, i.e. from the “Golden Steppe”, where these last wild horses of the world will be released into the wild. All you have to do is donate CZK 500 or more to the collection account We help them survive by May 15, fill out a short questionnaire, and then just wait for a postcard from the Prague Zoo team to appear in your mailbox.

Prague Zoo collection account called “We help them survive”

Account number: 43-6804660247/0100

Variable symbol: 3102019

Note to recipient: Postcard from Kazakhstan

What to do if the postcard does not arrive?

If the postcard does not arrive by August 31, 2024, please let us know by e-mail at After all, it’s a long way from Kazakhstan to Prague, and a whole host of complications can arise. But we can fix it.

Photo: The postcard is decorated with the official visual of this year’s transport by the Czech naturalist and illustrator Jan Dungel. It captures a group of Przewalski’s horses, which is meant to symbolize the project’s target state – a functioning population of Przewalski’s horses in the Altyn Dala area. The background color is based on the colors of the flag of Kazakhstan. Source: Prague Zoo