Ondřej Krutílek: We need more space for businesses to open their potential

Photo: Barbora Navrátilová, Radio Prague International

Ondřej Krutílek is a member of the ruling Civic Democratic Party and is running in the European elections within the coalition SPOLU, made up of Civic Democrats, Christian Democrats and TOP 09. He is an expert on EU legislation and is familiar with the workings of the EU.

This is a critical time for Europe, when decisions on security, migration and climate change will decide the future of the Continent. What kind of leadership does Europe need at this time?

“It is not just about the leadership, but also about the structure of the European Parliament and its composition. In my view it is not necessary to have a revolution in the European Parliament, it is necessary to have forces who are aware of the fact that there is a war on Europe’s borders and that we need to be safe in Europe. Security is the key, and to come back to your question –what kind of leadership – I think that not the European Union itself, but member states are the key, because if member states are strong then also the European Union is strong. Because I do not trust in the concept of a European federation.”

See the rest here.

Author: Daniela Lazarová