News from Afrikatu Kofi – Humanitas Afrika regarding the official celebration of Afrika Day in the Czech Republic

Dear Families and Friends,

sincere greetings to you all wherever you are right now from Humanitas Afrika we wish you only good health, happiness, and prosperity. We have the pleasure always to update and inform you and where possible to invite you to some of our noble initiatives and activities in the Czech Republic.

in 2002, Humanitas Afrika inspired, revived, reintroduced, and led in one full week of different activities the official celebration of Afrika Day in the Czech Republic in collaboration with then 9 Afrikan Ambassadors and Embassies in Prague. Since then our organization in a small or big way has tried to sustain the celebration of Afrika Day and other Afrikan activities in the Czech Republic with passion, commitment, and creativity.

This year 2024, is no exception. Among the 3 humble events we planned to celebrate  Afrika Day in the Czech Republic is our newest initiative called SPEAKER MAKE A VIDEO CLIP CONFERENCE.  We kindly asked 9 noble personalities of Afrikan, Czech, and German origins to make conference-style presentations in the comfort of their homes and record purposely in honoring Afrika Day this year. The 9 Sisters and Brothers were given the liberty to speak about the topic brought up by Humanitas Afrika or from their perspectives and experiences about Afrika.

We are pleased therefore to present you with the outcome of the fruitful collaboration between Humanitas Afrika and 9 Sisters and Brothers who accepted our request and took part in the first-ever SPEAKER MAKE A VIDEO CONFERENCE in celebration of Afrika Day. Please see the link to the video on our YouTube channel Ubuntu Is Parada. Kindly do not forget to like our videos and subscribe to our channel:

As an addendum in testimony to the creativity of Humanitas Afrika and how we have inspired, led, and sustained the celebration of Afrika Day and other Afrikan socio-cultural activities in the Czech Republic since the year 2000 when our organization was founded by some Afrikans and Czechs in Prague, here is a specific example. In 2021, when the whole world was locked down because of the global coronavirus pandemic and all social and human activities came to an abrupt halt, and a standstill  Humanitas Afrika found a way still to honor the celebration of Afrika Day. So it was that on 29  May 2021, Humanitas Afrika had its first-ever online collaboration with the famed  Ghana Dance Ensemble to celebrate Afrika Day that year. At the request of and support from Humanitas Afrika the Ghana Dance Ensemble performed live at the campus of Ghana’s prestigious university in Accra- Legon which was live-streamed across the globe via Facebook. In case you missed that historic event in celebration of Afrika Day in 2021, then here is the recorded version of the Ghana Dance Ensemble performance on that occasion. Please see the link:

We would like to thank our Brother Blakk Rasta – a radio journalist and popular reggae artist in Ghana for permitting us to use his song for the Afrika Day – video conference 2024 – Czech Republic. See the link  to the video of the song we used:

We also thank all our Families and Friends for your support and good wishes in different ways to our great and continued effort for Afrika and Czech-Afrika relations in the Czech Republic and beyond. Together we will make the world a better place for all humanity – it said that Little Drops of Water Make a Mighty Ocean

Happy Afrika Day 2024 – UBUNTU

On behalf of the wonderful family/team at Humanitas  Afrika and the Beautiful Young and Dynamic Czech and Slovak ladies behind the production of our great videos

I remain your Simple and Humble brother Afrikatu Kofi