Photo: Czech Foreign Ministry
Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský awarded eight Czechs with the prestigious Gratias Agit Award this week, honouring those individuals who have made their mark in areas of science, literature, and culture. Among the laureates was Josef Baláž for his work with the Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association based in New York City. I caught up with Mr. Baláž after the ceremony and asked him what the honour means to him:
“I’m really happy that I could receive this award on behalf of the Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association. This award is not for me, it’s for the whole group. The Association was established well over 130 years ago and plays a fairly significant role in promoting Czech culture, and everything Czech in New York City.”
Can you tell me more about the work the association is doing?
“The association functions as an umbrella for individual groups. The Dvořák Association, arts and sciences, the American Fund for Czech and Slovak Leadership Studies, and so on. If we can, we channel funds into these individual groups which allows them to put on their programs. We reside at the Bohemian National Hall, and we feel that we’re this extended, diplomatic, volunteer arm of the Czech Republic throughout the United States.”
See the rest here.
Author: Amelia Mola-Schmidt