Photo: The Museum of South East Moravia in Zlín
Ploština was a small settlement in the Zlín region of Moravia. On April 19, 1945, close to the end of World War II, it was set on fire and many of its inhabitants were massacred by the Nazis for having supported the anti-Nazi resistance. A new monument has now been erected on the site of the tragedy.
“My grandfather was burnt alive here, with one of his sons who was just 21 at the time, together with a young child. My mother lived through this horror when she was just 16 years old. The Nazis set their house on fire and interrogated her. It’s really hard for me to talk about it.”
Vlastimil Hušt is one of the descendants of the Ploština community massacred by the Nazis on April 19, 1945.
See the rest here.
Authors: Daniela Lazarová, Roman Verner