Photo: Matthieu Berroneau, Czech Academy of Sciences
Scientists in Czechia have discovered a new species of mammal. The greater white-toothed shrew migrated to the country from North Africa and has become the 90th mammal species recorded in Czechia. Scientists say it was most likely driven to this territory by global climate change.
The greater white-toothed shrew is a small mammal resembling a mouse, with a long pointed snout and tiny eyes. However, unlike the mouse, it is carnivorous, feeding mainly on invertebrates, but occasionally also on small rodents and amphibians.
The small mammal was discovered in the Cheb region by experts from the Academy of Sciences last autumn, while collecting samples of house mice in the Cheb region in the westernmost part of the country.
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková; Karolína Burdová