Photo: René Volfík, iROZHLAS.cz
Under pressure to decide the never-ending battle between outdoor concert organizers and local residents regarding excessive noise, the Czech Health Miwnistry has ruled in favour of the culture scene. In a statement published on its web page, the ministry argues that short-term exposure to loud music is a nuisance, rather than a health risk.
The arrival of summer heralds a string of music festivals, concerts and outdoor events – all highly anticipated by music lovers and dreaded by local residents, who have to put up with high decibel levels whether they like it or not. In recent years, the residents of Prague’s Braník district, a popular location for outdoor concerts, have repeatedly complained to the town hall and health ministry about excessive noise pollution.
See the rest here.
Author: Daniela Lazarová, Sources:Český rozhlas, ČTK