KoresponDance festival will visit Žďár nad Sázavou

The main part of the KoresponDance festival will visit Žďár nad Sázavou in just a few days. Most of this year’s performances will take place at the local castle, Dolní hřbitov and Zelená hora between July 13 and 16. The introductory part in Prague took place on June 27 at CAMP – Center for Architecture and Urban Planning.

The theme of the 11th year is Architecture and Landscape, the festival in Žďár will be a celebration of the 300th anniversary of the death of the famous Czech architect Jan Blažej Santini, who left his distinctive signature in the city. Young and old visitors can look forward to 4 days packed with performances, workshops, film screenings, discussions, music and lots of fun.

The main star will be French choreographer Béatrice Massin with the group Fetes Galantes, who will perform a pair of projects with, among others, the group Collegium 1704 in the chapel on Zelená hora. Furthermore, visitors can look forward to a large project with local residents Ferst Dadler walks inspired by Santini’s architectural principles and stories of places and people, to the artistic group Tall Tales Company, BeInternational, Manolo Alcántara, La Méandre, Marta and Kim, Compagnie Monad, and Eliška Brtnická , Kristián Mensa and his dance battle, Stéphanie NDuhirahe, children’s projects and others.

Full program in Czech