Photo: Zuzana Bönisch
On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, President Petr Pavel delivered a speech in the general debate of the UN General Assembly. In it, he criticized Russia for violating the UN Charter and international law in connection with its invasion of Ukraine. In the morning New York time, the President attended the opening of the UN General Assembly and held several bilateral meetings during the day. He met with King Abdullah II of Jordan and with UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
In a speech lasting about 15 minutes, President Pavel pointed out the security problems facing the world in the general debate.
He spoke in particular about Russian aggression against Ukraine and the crimes Russia committed during the invasion.
He called for their termination. “Russia must unconditionally withdraw all its troops from the entire territory of Ukraine within the scope of its internationally recognized borders. Russia’s leaders must be held accountable for the crime of aggression against their neighbor,” he said. According to him, the Ukrainian people deserve not only an end to the fighting, but a just and lasting peace. If peace is to be sustainable, it cannot be based on unfair compromise or conditions imposed by the conqueror.
He promised that the Czech Republic would support Ukraine in its legitimate defense as long as needed. At the same time, he said that the restoration of Ukraine may be the greatest reconstruction effort in modern history. He called on all states to join it.
In his speech, President Pavel also pointed out, for example, the security, humanitarian, and political crisis in the Sahel region. He said that the Czech Republic strongly disagrees with China’s military activities, which increase tensions in the Taiwan Strait. He also mentioned the threat posed by climate change to global stability and security. He also emphasized the need for an active policy in the field of human rights and democracy, as well as the need to support media freedom.
The Czech president last spoke at the UN in 2017.
On Tuesday, President Pavel also met with King Abdullah II of Jordan, whom he invited to visit the Czech Republic. They talked about defense and security cooperation and humanitarian aid.
He agreed with Liechtenstein’s Hereditary Prince Alois on the issue of Russian aggression in Ukraine, they also discussed the ongoing dispute before the European Court of Human Rights, which concerns Liechtenstein property expropriated by Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. Prince Alois emphasized that he is ready to seek an out-of-court solution to this issue.
President Pavel also had a bilateral meeting with UN Secretary-General António Guterres. It took place in an extremely friendly atmosphere. Guterres praised the active and at the same time constructive approach of the Czech Republic not only at the UN, where Czech diplomacy often helps in reaching consensus. President Pavel declared his readiness to actively engage in global issues.
The president arrived in New York on Sunday evening. On Monday, he gave a speech at a summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were set until 2030. After the summit, the president told journalists that due to the covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and climate change, only about 15 percent of the goals have been met. The aim of the meeting was therefore to remind all countries of the need to adhere to these goals.
The president also had bilateral meetings on Monday. He spoke with the President of the Republic of Korea, Jun Sok-yol, about support for Ukraine, energy or high-speed lines. He also held talks with the President of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis. At the meeting with him, he condemned Russian aggression and the trampling of the UN Charter. He also met with representatives of the American Jewish Committee, with whom he discussed, for example, the need to confront increasingly numerous manifestations of anti-Semitism or the growing Iranian threat.
In the evening, the President attended a German reception for the 50th anniversary of Germany’s membership in the United Nations.
President Petr Pavel also spoke in an open debate of the Security Council, which dealt with the conflict in Ukraine. In his speech, he described the Russian invasion as a brutal and unprovoked offensive war in which Russia grossly violated the UN Charter. “It is a shameful affront to the rules-based order, and thus to the entire international community,” he said of Russia’s aggression.
According to President Pavel, Ukraine’s final victory means the victory of the rule of law and respect for others, while its defeat would allow brutality and lawlessness to prevail. “Therefore, it is not possible for any country to be neutral towards this conflict,” he noted. He said Russia must fully and unconditionally withdraw from Ukraine and Kremlin officials must face consequences and be brought to justice.
He supported the actions of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his peace plan. “Only Ukraine can set the terms of any peaceful solution,” he said. He also recalled the Czech experience with Russian imperialism from 1968.