Photo: David Sedlecký, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0
The era of the rise of hip hop, the growing popularity of music videos, and the influx of boy bands and girl groups – all of this describes the early 2000s perfectly. While the world was ruled by Backstreet Boys, ‘N Sync or Spice Girls, Czechia was dominated by Lunetic and Holki.
The year was 1999 and four girls emerged as winners from an audition organised by Petr Fider. Two blondes, a redhead, and a black-haired girl are a perfect match vocally with a powerful presence on stage. Klára, Kateřina, Radana, and Nikola took off to almost instant success and rocked the Czech charts and discos.
With their first song, Už mi nevolej (Don’t call me again), they rocketed off to their most famous years. With this hit, they got into the consciousness of the listeners, and clearly defined their target group. Holki have always been oriented towards teenagers, especially girls. In 1999, they released their first album S láskou (With love), and burst onto the Czech music scene with an album full of catchy dance tunes. Apart from Už mi nevolej, the song Můj kluk (My boy) became an instant hit.
See the rest here.
Bětka Horáková