Photo: Vojta Pechar, @mulletnatripu
Travelling along Route 66, riding free by plane, going to a casino and taking part in a beer run. These are just some of the many adventures Czech traveller Vojtěch Pechar experienced on a hitchhiking trip across the United States, during which he didn’t spend a cent of his own money. He spent three months travelling from New York to San Francisco, passing through 18 states, getting rides in 50 cars and covering a distance of 9,000 kilometres. He documented his journey on an Instagram account called Mullet na tripu or Mullet on a Trip, which refers to his rather unusual haircut, and which attracted more than 90,000 followers.
I caught up with Vojtěch Pechar to discuss his unusual journey and I started by asking him what made him embark on his trip across the US without a single dollar.
“I just love hitchhiking. I have been hitchhiking in Europe, and I wanted some bigger challenge, so I decided to hitchhike the longest range in a country where I can understand the language. That’s why I chose America and the longest distance between its two cities.”
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková