Photo: Jan Slavík, © DOX
Prague’s DOX Centre for Contemporary Art is now celebrating 15 years of existence. The biggest independent institution of its kind in Czechia, it runs multiple exhibitions – and holds various events in a distinctive wooden structure resembling an airship. In connection with its 15th anniversary, I visited DOX to meet founder Leoš Válka.
DOX has been operating now here for 15 years. How has the reality of running this venue been, compared to what you expected 15 years ago?
“The fact is it exceeded my expectations, which were not very specific. I just wanted to run a place which would allow for mixing different aspects of cultural performances and exhibitions, but mainly what I wanted to do was visual art exhibitions.
“The original idea was something like a kunsthalle which organises exhibitions which are coming and going. And a kunsthalle in the sense that we were not planning, and still do not plan or have, a collection.
“So it is supposed to be a place for projects coming, going, happening – and this was like an open concept.”
See the rest here.
Author: Ian Willoughby