Photo: Ondrej Duffek, Archive of David Strauzz
David Strauzz is a mixed media artist who was born to Czech immigrants in Ontario, Canada. Since 2015, he has lived in Prague, where he came to public attention mainly through his large-scale murals. He also runs the MEGA Gallery, located at the Karlovo náměstí and Můstek metro stations, which promotes street art. I met with David Strauzz in his studio in the Pragovka Art District in Vysočany and started by asking him what brought him to the Czech capital in the first place:
“First of all, this year is the 50th anniversary of my parents’ departure from Czechoslovakia, so it’s a very important year for me in terms of who I am, what I am doing and where I am doing it.
“In 2012 I was living in Boston, where my wife was employed by Harvard University. Two months after we arrived, the marathon bombing took place. So that was our welcome to American culture, which was very not Canadian.
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková