Czechs read less news, citing powerlessness and news fatigue

Avoidance of the news is at a record high, according to the Oxford-based Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, which produced the 168-page Digital News Report 2024 analysis. Nearly 39 percent of people worldwide said they sometimes or often actively avoid the news, up 10 percent from 2017. So how are Czechs doing in this respect?

Czechs are reading less news than ever before in Czechia’s modern history. That is largely because in Czechia trust in the news media is at 31 percent, below the EU average, down eight per cent since 2015. Other trends reveal that powerlessness and media negativity contribute to this downward spiral. At the same time, negative polarizing content and fake news are on an upward trajectory.

See the rest here.

Author: Jakub Ferenčík