Photo: Praha ve stínu hákového kříže/Wikimedia Commons, public domain
When they were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and during the First Republic, Czechs were accustomed to driving on the left. That changed with the Nazi occupation in 1939.
Driving on the left side of the road used to be the general rule, and was legislated by a papal decree around 1300. During the Austro-Hungarian Empire people drove on the left and when it broke up most of its former territories stayed left, including Czechoslovakia.
That changed –almost overnight – in 1939. Just a couple of days after the Nazis invaded most of Bohemia and Moravia on March 15th Czech motorists were ordered to drive on the right.
Interestingly, the changeover was first introduced in the provinces on March 17, and then just over a week later in Prague, on March 26.
See the rest here.
Source:Český rozhlas