Czechia seeking to draw skilled workers by opening labour market to nine non-EU member states

The Czech government has moved to open the labor market to foreign workers from nine countries outside of the European Union. As of July 1, foreign workers from the selected states will no longer need employment cards or work permits in Czechia.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, there are currently close to 818,000  foreign workers in Czechia. Employees from the nine selected countries ‒ Australia, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, the UK, the US, Israel, and Singapore ‒ only comprise about 1.2 percent of the Czech labor market, approximately 10,000 employees. However, 80% of them are in highly skilled positions. The country needs to attract more of these foreign experts to fill vacancies on the labour market.

See the rest here.

Author: Jakub Ferencik