Photo: Barbora Navrátilová, Radio Prague International
Czechia has announced that it will abstain in the vote on an EU migration and asylum pact expected to take place later this month. According to government officials, the new draft of the proposal would reduce the possibility of effectively preventing illegal migration on the EU’s external borders.
A badly needed overhaul of the European Union’s asylum and migration system was years in the making as member states struggled with the practical impacts of several large waves of migrants from the Middle East and Ukraine. The first comprehensive draft of the pact was proposed in September of 2020 and it was not until December of last year that the EU reached a major breakthrough in the quest of a new common system for managing migration.
The aim of the new pact is to introduce more effective controls, secure a faster return of failed asylum seekers to their countries of origin and bring into effect a mechanism of “compulsory solidarity”, under which member states would have to accept a certain quota of migrants or else compensate overburdened countries financially.
The Belgian presidency of the EU Council is now working on finalising the details, and EU member states should vote on the draft’s adoption later this month.
See the rest here.
Author: Daniela Lazarová, Sources: Český rozhlas, Česká televize