Czech government moves to ban corporal punishment of children

The Czech government has approved a proposed amendment that would outlaw corporal punishment of children. Czechia is one of the last EU member states to adopt such a regulation and while there will be no sanctions for breaking it, child experts hope it will change age-old habits.

According to the results of an SC&C survey the number of Czech parents who regularly use corporal  punishment in bringing up their children has dropped to around 4 percent, which is significantly less than in the past. However, there are those who still firmly believe that “to spare the rod is to spoil the child”. Kristyna, a mother of two, recalls how slapping her first-born was normal when she was under pressure.

” When my son was two, I would slap his hands, when he was three, I would smack him on the bottom. I knew it was wrong. At night, when he was sleeping, I felt regret. Also it didn’t lead anywhere, there was no change for the better.”

See the rest here.

Authors: Daniela Lazarová, Petr Král, Michaela Sladká
Source: Český rozhlas