Photo: Martin Pařízek, Czech Radio
Researchers at the Czech Technical University in Prague are using artificial intelligence to train robots, teaching them to search unfamiliar or hard-to-reach areas. In the future, these intelligent robots could help search for missing persons or victims of accidents.
Scientists at Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering are working with a number of robots, some of which resemble tiny vehicles while others look like dogs or giant spiders.
Doctoral student Miloš Prágr uses a game console controller to drive one of the robots, a black and yellow vehicle on four rubber wheels, out of the lab and into the corridor.
“It’s a four-wheeled robot of small to medium size that we use mainly to inspect sites or facilities. It is equipped with several cameras. The two located at the top are both colour and depth cameras, which allows them to sense the geometry of the surrounding environment. The other set of cameras are simple colour cameras. We use them to detect various objects or people.”
See the rest here.
Authors: Ruth Fraňková, Ondřej Vaňura, Source:iROZHLAS.cz