‘Making a list’ is a common practice. Every person makes a list at some point of time in their lives. If one were to generalize; the most common list that people make is their travel-list. Even in common dialogue with friends or loved ones, this question always arises, Name 5 Places That You Want to Visit.
That’s the problem with us. When it comes to travel, we are spoilt with choices. But who’s to blame for making Earth such a beautiful place to live in? Thankfully, locations on other planets aren’t viable travel destinations yet. But in the next 10 years, who knows?

Looking For A Place To Go
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-book-business-cactus-297755/
Coming back to the topic, if you have a travel list, keep it by your side and evaluate the places in it with the consideration factors listed below. If an opportunity presents itself to visit one of the places on the list, go for it. Scratching a name of the list is always a satisfying feeling.
If you don’t, it’s easier for you. Just narrow down locations on the basis of these consideration factors.
1. Budget

Do I Have Enough Money To Go There?
First and foremost, look for a place that falls within your budget. Don’t opt for a travel destination that’s beyond your means. You will regret it once you return. Moreover, even while you are there you won’t have too much fun as money will always be at the back of your mind. If you are particularly attracted to one travel destination and it’s slightly out of your budget in normal conditions, rough things out a little but ensure that it falls within your budget.
2. Hobbies/Interests
You travel to enjoy, explore new things and basically, to unwind and have fun. Regardless, hobbies help you do just that. Try to find a travel destination that speaks to your hobbies or interests. For example: A person who loves wildlife will prefer to go on a vacation to Kruger National Park in Africa rather than Paris.
3. Time
There are two aspects to time here; one, the time that you have set aside for travelling, and two, the perfect time to travel to that particular travel destination. Some places are better for short-stay visits while others are more suited for long-stay visits. Therefore, the time that you allot for a vacation is an important factor that’s to be looked at while deciding the ultimate location. The other way of looking at time is, the perfect time to travel to that particular travel destination. For example: Visiting Norway for witnessing the Northern Lights will be best during the months of October and March.
4. Safety
Honestly, no place is completely safe. But there are certain travel destinations that have a reputation for being unsafe. Not just that, there can be climatic factors, like flood warnings, etc. that make travel during a particular time period unsafe. In such situations, it’s best to avoid such places.
5. Cultural Differences

Every Place Has Its Own Unique Culture
Source: https://pixabay.com/en/action-actor-art-asia-background-1807516/
The issue around cultural differences mainly arises when one’s travelling abroad. In fact, it’s not an issue, just a matter of awareness. Being culturally aware is important. It facilitates dialogue, paves a way for empathy and serves as a guideline of the social life at a new location. It also helps one get prepared for the challenges that they are going to face on account of the cultural differences. For example: Vegetarian Indians have to put a lot of thought into their food when travelling abroad to countries in South-East Asia and Europe.
Authors Bio
Yogi and Suchna believe in taking the road less travelled and stumbling upon some hidden gems along the way! For over a decade, they’ve mapped their way across various continents, sniffed out unusual routes, discovered new flavours and stayed at quirky hostels. TheBackpackerCo is their expression of soul travel. You can catch up with them at TheBackpackerCo – Backpacking Through Western Europe.