Photo: Pavel Blatný, Czech Radio
The Czech Society for Ornithology has announced that the Bird of the Year for 2024 is the black redstart. Although the small sooty-coloured passerine bird is a common species in this part of the world, its migration behaviour has started to change as a result of the climate crisis. I spoke to one of our leading ornithologist Petr Voříšek:
“Black redstart is a common species, usually in urban areas, but also in the mountains. It is originally a species typical for hilly or stony slopes in the open landscape. The cities and villages and towns resemble that kind of habitat, so the black redstart is a nice example of a species benefiting from landscape urbanisation.”
“The bird is more or less the size of a house sparrow. Its colour is a combination of black and grey, and the male is a bit more colourful, with an orange tail. What’s interesting about this species is that young males are very similar to the females. This is the way to reduce the competition. They simply pretend they are females and they are not attacked so aggressively by older males.”
See the rest here.
Author: Ruth Fraňková