Atlas of Climate Change aims to empower non-experts with facts

Photo repro: Ondráš Přibyla, ‘Atlas of Climate Change’/Lipka

Facts on Climate Change, a Czech team of independent analysts and experts, is committed to making the public debate on climate change factual, constructive and based on scientifically verified data. They recently published an English version of their Atlas of Climate Change, which was previously only available in Czech, to provide teachers, students, journalists, influencers, and political and business decision makers across the world with easy-to-use maps, explainers and infographics that summarise key facts about one of the greatest challenges facing our civilisation today.

Ondráš Přibyla has a technical background in a field laughably opaque to most of us – theoretical physics – that led him to learn about the physics of climate change. But, unlike your stereotypical theoretical physicist, he is also interested in communication, mediation, and how to resolve conflicts.

See the rest here.

Authors: Anna Fodor, Daniela Honigmann