AI-JAWAHIRI a bridge between two cultures Prague – Baghdad

The Ambassador of Republic of Iraq  H.E. Mr. Falah Abdulhasan Abdulsada and the Mayor of Prague 6 Mr. Jakub Starek organized a ceremonial unveiling event of the plaque of the Iraqi poet Al-Jawahiri a front of the building where he lived in Prague 6.

The ceremony was moderated by Mgr. Marek Zeman, the spoke person of Prague 6.

Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri was an Iraqi poet. Considered by many as one of the best and greatest Arabian poets in the 20th century, he was also nicknamed The Greatest Arabian Poet, and is considered a leading classical Iraqi poet and one of the big three neo-classical poets of Iraq alongside al-Rusafi, and al-Zahawi.( source Wikipedia )

Watch the video with the speeches of the Ambassador of Republic of Iraq  H.E. Mr. Falah Abdulhasan Abdulsada and the Mayor of Prague 6 Mr. Jakub Starek and the adviser of the Iraq PM.