H.E. Mr. Fredrik JÖRGENSEN, Ambassador of Sweden, H.E. Mr. Laimonas TALAT-KELPŠA, Ambassador of Lithuania, H.E. Ms. Gita KALMET, Ambassador of Estonia, H.E. Mr. Soren KELSTRUP, Ambassador of Denmark, H.E. Mr. Pasi Olavi TUOMINEN, Ambassador of Finland, Mr. Per Oystein VATNE, Deputy Head of Mission at Norway Embassy, H.E. Ms. Elita KUZMA, Ambassador of Latvia, H.E. Ms. Maria Erla MARELSDÓTTIR, Ambassador Iceland, Mr. Vitalii USATYI, Chargé d´Affaires of Ukraine, RNDr. Miloš Vystrčil – President of the Senate of CR
The countries of Nordic and Baltic regions – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden – hold their yearly joint National Days celebration together. Ukraine joins them as a guest country. Prague is the only place where this celebration has been arranged for many years. We fully agree with Ambassadors when they say that „our strength thrives not only on our economies and our alliances but above all on our values. Solidarity, justice, respect for human rights, and fundamental freedoms form the foundation of our societies. It works both inwards and outwards.“ We all stand for Ukraine together as great allies and partners.
The guest of honor was Mr. Milos Vystrcil the president of the Senate of the CR.
The guests enjoyed the performance of the very unique and talented “Sunny Swing Band”
Watch the video with the speeches of the Ambassadors and the Senate President.