From left: Ing. Jiří Opíchal, Executive Head, Alimex Trading, former President, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador and Petr Laštovka, Entrepreneur
From left: Ing. Petr Kučera CSc., Authorized Expert for the Construction Field, JUDr. PhDr. Oldřich Choděra, Lawyer, former Governor, LCI D122 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, and Ing.Ladislav Bouček,CSc., Entrepreneur, former Governor, LCI D122 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
From left: JUDr. Jaroslav Novotný, Lawyer, Membership Chairperson, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Chief Editor of Magazine “Český a Slovenský Lion”, and Miroslav Hříbal, Entrepreneur and President , LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador
From left: Ing. Antonín Mika, Director, Foreign Trade Company “LAMMEX Ltd. and former President, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Ing. Jiří Opíchal, Executive Head Alimex Trading, former President, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Prof. MUDr. Václav Mandys, CSc., Head of the Istitute of Pathology, Prague, and Petr Laštovka, Entrepreneur
From left: Ing.František Novotný, President, Assotiations APST and SDSS, Secretary, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Mgr .Jan Haur, IT Administrator, former President, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Miroslav Hříbal, Entrepreneur and President, LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador
Guest of Honor: Pavel Hanták, former Spokesperson, UOOZ Topic: Relationship of the Police and Mass Media
Guest of Honor: Pavel Hanták, former Spokesperson, UOOZ