Text: H.E. Ms. Martina Mlinarević; Edit: Martina Hošková; Photo: H.E. Mr. Bijan Sabet
They grew up in different parts of the world, in different circumstances, languages, and cultures, but what they have in common is being an incredible inspiration to others. These women ambassadors use their strength to advocate for positive changes in their communities. This is why this series of portraits and stories was created, in a project called H.E.r Story.
This inspiring exhibition was opened at the Prague Embassy of Romania, symbolically on this year’s International Women’s Day. H.E. Ms. Antoaneta Barta, Ambassador of Romania, hosted the inauguration event in the presence of the authors and her fellow women ambassadors, to whom she expressed many thanks, saying that without their support this project would never have been accomplished. “The exhibition creates a sense of community of the strong, successful, and inspiring women. This artistic project wants to highlight the stories behind our official role, the stories that made us what we are today,” said H.E. Barta in her welcome speech.
The idea of creating a series of photo portraits and stories of all 17 women ambassadors in Prague came from H.E. Ms. Martina Mlinarević, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “I wanted to write about my friends in a special way. To write about the women ambassadors’ upbringing, about growing up of the girls in different parts of the world, about experiences that made them the strong and extraordinary women they are today,” she said at the opening.
The author of the portraits is H.E. Mr. Bijan Sabet, Ambassador of the USA and a photographer, whom Ms. Mlinarević described as a person of exceptional artistic talent with a special fondness for photography. “Usually, when I am asked to do something, I am kind of trained to think about it for a second – when Martina asked me to do this, it was the fastest yes I have ever come up with,” he shared his feelings in his brief speech.
The exhibition is meant to inspire and encourage women to follow their dreams. The authors (two of them ambassadors themselves, plus Ms. Amila Hrustić, a designer from Bosnia and Herzegovina living in Prague) hope that, as you read the stories and see the faces of the women ambassadors, you will be inspired to achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. That is also why a group of young Ukrainian girl refugees were invited to the inauguration – to hopefully find a ray of sunshine and hope in the exhibition. H.E.r Story will be now on display in public spaces, to encourage and give examples in order to help all young girls fulfil their dreams.
Read about the different extraordinary women that were part of this exhibition: