Comenius the pan-European society for culture, education and scientific-technical cooperation has staged the “23rd annual competition Czech 100 Best”. The objective of this competition is to discover, select, visualize and reward Czech companies, enterprises and societies from the entire spectrum of economic activities, who achieve remarkable, extraordinary or positively noteworthy results.
On the Friday of 30th November 2018, the finale of the “100 Czech Best” survey based competition occurred at the Spanish Hall of Prague Castle in the presence of more than 700 VIP guests, including the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jaroslav Kubera, the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Mr. Radek Vondráček, Senators, MPs, Ministers Mrs. Nováková, Mr. Toman, Rector of the Charles University, Deputy Ministers, 1st Deputy Police President, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Czech Army, Ambassadors and others.
During the Gala the awarded were establishments and institutions of 8 industry categories with immediate impact on the welfare of Czech citizens. I.e.: Tourism & Hotel Services, Dynamic Growth & Stability, Information & Communication Technologies, Inventions – Deployment – Export – Profit, Construction & Transportation, Employment & Cooperatives, Agriculture & Food, Health – Education – Humanity.
One of the peaks of the event was the recognition of nine extraordinary women and ten men with the popular title “Lady Pro” and “Gentleman Pro” respectively.
The ceremonial peak of the event was the declaration of top ten “best of the best” of the Czech Republic.
An integral part of this last day of November at the Prague Castle was the morning conference on the traditional theme “Key Factors of Success”, where a diverse list of personalities on the subject had the right to speak about their success.
From left: Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, Mrs. Jitka Vitoulová and Ladislav Vitoul, Owner, Vápenka Vitoul, and Mrs. Zita Muzikářová
From left: Magdalena Souček, Managing Partner, E&Y, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, and Jiřina Nepalová, Owner, Renomia
From left: Jolana Voldánová, Moderator, Daniel Takáč, Moderator and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius at the welcome speech
Spanish Hall of the Prague Castle and almost 700 guests
Deputy Chief of Staff of the Czech Army, Gen. Miroslav Hlaváč, and winners of the ”Dynamic Growth and Stability” category
1st Deputy President of the Police, Gen. Martin Vondrášek, and winners of the category ”Building Industry and Transportation”
Lenka Ambrožová Houslenka, Violin Player
Alex Xiao, Vice President, Huawei Technologies Czech with his company
From left: Dalibor Matějík and Jiří Kollert, Co-owners of Pekařství and cukrářství Sázava a.s.
From left: Jiří Čunek, Governor of Zlín region with his friend, Martina Vítková, CFO, NWT, Libuše Šmuclerová, CEO, Czech News Center, Vlastimil Bříza, Owner, Koh-i-noor, and David Vítek, General Director, NWT
Lady Pro 2018 and Jaroslav Kubera, President of the Senate, Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies and Karel Muzikář, President of Comenius
Representatives of company Plaček
Jiří Zelenka, Managing Director, TOSEDA with his friend
From left: Pavel Malínek, Vice President and BU Leader, CGI IT and Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies
Josef Bárta, Chairman of the Board, CZ Loko with his partner
From left: H.E. Mr. Zhang Jianmin, Ambasador of China, H.E. Mr. Roland Galharague, Ambassador of France and Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies
Miroslav Toman, Minister of Agriculture and winners of the category ”Agriculture and Food Industry”
Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies and winners of the ”IT” category
Marta Nováková, Minister of Industry and Trade, and winners of category ”Inventions – Deployment – Export – Profit”
Gentlemen Pro 2018 and Jaroslav Kubera, President of the Senate, Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies and Karel Muzikář, President of Comenius
Lady Pro 2018 with Jaroslav Kubera, President of the Senate of the Parliament
Front row of the Spanish Hall
Top ten of the Czech 100 Best with Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius
Benke Aikell, your Publisher and Eva Anderová, Vice President for PR, UNYP and Director in Franz Kafka Society and Centre
Key Factors of Success
From left: Gen. Martin Vondrášek, First Deputy of the Police President, Police Presidium of the Czech Republic, Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies, and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius
From left: Brigadier General Pavel Kříž, Chief of Military Police and Gen. Martin Vondrášek, First Deputy of the Police President, Police Presidium of the Czech Republic
From left: Petr Dvořák, General Director, Czech TV, Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies, and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius
Gen. Martin Vondrášek, First Deputy of the Police President, Police Presidium of the Czech Republic
Cyril Svozil, Owner, Fenix Holding
First panel of the conference
H.E. Mr. Roland Galharague, Ambassador of France
H.E. Mr. Zhang Jianmin, Ambassador of China
Tomáš Březina, Owner, Best
Alessandro Pasquale, Owner, Karlovarské minerální vody
Second panel of the conference

Czech 100 Best