Avivit Yorkevich

Do you speak the truth?

Avivit Yorkevich, CEO of Validit.ai startup

Text: Martina Hošková and M.Zisso; Photo: Hanna Tayeb

“Just living in Israel means constantly facing multiple challenges, which fosters a mindset of seeking innovative solutions,” acknowledges Avivit Yorkevich, a former Special Israeli Intelligence Forces member, and co-founder of a tech start-up Validit.ai. “I worked as a fraud detection consultant, and understood how critical the need was for a solution that could validate human statements. I also realized that the commercial world needs a ‘softer’ approach than the one used in the intelligence services. This is how our company was born.

Who is the woman who founded a tech start-up detecting our truthfulness?

My name is Avivit, and I am a 46-year-old mother of three who can be described as someone who has worn many hats in her career. From being a professional musician to serving as a senior intelligence officer; now I am on my mission in the tech world – to ensure truthfulness in the digital realm.

I was brought up to be a musician. I sang and performed opera professionally worldwide, mainly in Europe and Scandinavia, and my future was set. But as I got older, I developed a growing passion for intelligence and the unknown. So, I joined the Special Israeli Intelligence Forces, got into the Deception Detection unit, and, soon enough, I was the first woman to become a senior officer, paving the way for other women in that field.

After twenty years of service in the organization, I decided to retire and find the next hill to conquer.

How did your career in intelligence inspire your current business activities?

Well, during my service in the Israeli Intelligence Organization, one of the major challenges I faced was verifying the tips provided by our sources who were not accessible or present in front of us. In critical situations, such as life-threatening missions, this information was vital, yet reaching the person physically was often impossible. That’s when I started thinking about this problem as my main challenge to solve.

After my retirement, I worked as a fraud detection consultant, and understood how critical the need was for a solution that could validate human statements. I also realized that the commercial world needs a ‘softer’ approach than the one used in the intelligence services. So, trying to find that solution, Yossi, my former service partner, and I set out on a mission to discover a reliable technology that could detect human fraud remotely, and yet none of what we found was sufficient.

That is how Validit.ai, our company, was born. After gathering the best AI and algorithmics team in Israel, building our product, and completing hundreds of thousands of test cases in the commercial world (insurance, HR, and finance), we can now actually conduct any validation – remotely, using just a smartphone camera. Basically, we can tell if a person is truthful in their statement, and by doing that help mitigate risks and prevent all types of online fraud that affect us all more and more these days.


Can you explain how it works?

Yes. It may be used in any online application, at the end or middle of it. The applicant gets the option to validate the information he is giving through our tool. A camera window pops up with a question like “Is the information provided by this person accurate?”. The applicant gives his answer, his smartphone camera gathers the bio-signals from his facial area, and our AI can determine if the statement he has given is valid.

Will you give us some concrete examples of your tool’s worth?

Sure! Imagine a loan request or an insurance claim you filed, only to be rejected after a long process because something “seemed off ”. Now, with Validit, only two minutes of using our validator could save you from all that trouble. It also builds trust with your bank or insurer, possibly even lowering your premiums 🙂

We were happy to realize that using our technology has also created a more trustworthy client-business process. That, like in any relationship, only betters everyone.

Are there any particular challenges you are facing? Perhaps, given the current circumstances in Israel?

If we put aside the ‘traditional’ challenges of an entrepreneur, just living in Israel means constantly facing multiple challenges, which fosters a mindset of seeking innovative solutions.

I take pride in our local tech community’s resilience, persisting despite adversities. Israeli technology, like advanced irrigation and the ‘Iron Dome’ defence system, has made a significant global impact, saving millions of lives daily. Interestingly, some members of the team behind the ‘Iron Dome’ are also part of our tech team at Validit.ai.

Avivit Yorkevich, CEO and Yossi Penias, COO of Validit.ai

Finally, what advice would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly women?

For the aspiring entrepreneurs I’ll recommend surrounding themselves with positivity and the best team they can gather.

But, speaking as a woman who spent many years in the field of intelligence – a typically masculine domain – I have this to say: women have a fortune to contribute, not only as women but as human beings. They should never let their fears overtake them. Whoever has an entrepreneurial spirit, and who thinks she can make the world a better place, should fight for her dream.

Be determined and courageous, don’t let obstacles stand in your way. The world needs that added value you bring.