Leading Minds Forum: The highest-level conference in the energy industry

LMF – Brick House Ostrava

Ostrava hosted the Leading Minds Forum, an international conference of experts on the theme of Divided Energy Revolution. The prestigious event was held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, the Minister of the Environment, Petr Hladík, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Energy Regulatory Office and the Moravia-Silesia Region.

The discussion, which was attended by the Minister of the Environment Petr Hladík, Members of the European Parliament Alexander Vondra and Ondřej Krutílek, and Jan Dusík, Deputy Director-General for Climate Action at the European Commission, inevitably turned to the question of how “green” European energy will still be. Although no major changes to the targets are expected, it was clear that the protection of European industry is coming to the fore. This could be good news for the Czech Republic as a country with a highly energy-intensive industry.

The next session focused on investments and parameters for affordable and sustainable energy. They were discussed against the background of the update of the State Energy Concept, pending legislation and expected key developments. Interesting speeches were given by Tomáš Varcop, Chairman of the Board and CEO of innogy Czech Republic and CEO of innogy Energie, René Neděla, Chief Director of the Energy at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Martin Durčák, Chairman of the Board of ČEPS, and Zuzana Krejčiříková, Head of Public Affairs at ČEZ Group.

Community energy attracts attention

The third session was dedicated to community energy and legal regulations in the field of electricity storage, aggregation and flexibility. Claudia Viohl, CEO of the E.ON Czech Group, spoke about new opportunities but also obligations for energy suppliers and distribution system operators and followed up on the reflection on the first month of the Electricity Data Centre operation. This was presented by Petr Kusý, Chairman of the Board and CEO of EDC. The closing session was dedicated to international comparison and the upcoming revolution in flexibility, which was presented by Dries Ecke, Deputy CEO of SolarPower Europe.

Representatives of the state and public administration as well as representatives of more than 50 industrial and energy companies participated in an open discussion on current and future resource needs, planned measures and new business challenges.

The successful event was held under the auspices of Cylinders Holding and innogy Czech Republic. The main partners of this year’s edition were ČEPS Group, ČEZ, E.ON, EP Holding and the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, followed by partners Anacot Capital, Centropol, Gas Storage CZ, Pražská plynárenská, Siemens, Ško-Energo and UCED.