On Tuesday, November 2nd, the University of New York in Prague held its fourth public webinar. This time, UNYP has chosen a hybrid system, when there were guests physically at the seminar, as well as online on the ZOOM platform. The webinar focused on an important topic of Women in Business. This event was hosted by Dimana Mabhena, a Co-founder of GenWork. Our three special speakers were H.E. Ayesha Patricia Rekhi (the Ambassador of Canada to the Czech Republic), Martina Bacíková (Founder and CEO of INEV), and Linda Štucbartová (Founder of Diversio).
Over 100 people combined attended the event in person, on Zoom and on YouTube Live. Our special speakers described real-life issues that women have to deal with in the workplace and while building a business. They also proposed various ways how women can fight against this issue and how men can help with this problem.
In the end, our panelists answered dozens of intriguing questions from the audience online and in the room.
We are delighted that we were able to provide such an interesting event about a very important topic for the general public, and we plan to continue with this mission, as there are many issues and fields that we can potentially explore.